In March 2020, a Board of Trustees was formed to oversee and deliver the aims and objectives of the Leeds African Communities Charitable Trust (LACT). In October 2020, the Leeds African Communities Charitable Trust (LACT) received its charitable status and number – 1191879 to raise funds and operate in pursuit of the objectives stated in its Constitution.

Since its formation and registration as the umbrella body for the diverse African communities in Leeds, the Trustees of the Leeds African Communities Charitable Trust (LACT) have held monthly Board meetings to discuss the work of the Trust and review progress in achieving its aims. Since October 2020, the LACT Trustees have continued to hold quarterly zoom meetings with the elected representatives of the various African community groups in Leeds, that are driving the work of the Trust.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for providing oversight of and accountability for the funds received by the Trust and how it is spent. It is also responsible for ensuring that the activities of the Trust are consistent with the objectives that are stated in its constitution, as approved by the Charity Commission.

The Board of Trustees is the Executive Team that oversees the strategic
management as well as day-to-day running of the Trust. Currently, these are all appointed volunteers as well as elected chairpersons representing the various African communities, bringing their expertise together to develop the Trust and manage its affairs.


The Board of Trustees of the Trust is made up of the following individuals:
Mr. Abdul Rashid Thomas – Chairman (Sierra Leonean), Mrs. Victoria Ajayi – Vice Chair (Nigerian), Mrs. Lucy Ndlovu – Responsible for Communications (Kenyan), Mr. Yankuba Sawo – Treasurer (Gambian), Mr. Sekou Touré (Ivorian), Mrs Brouch Boggon) – Secretary (Zimbabwean), Ms. Hawa Bah – (Guinean), Mrs. Kaddy Jabang – (Gambian), Mr. Paul Njoroge (Kenyan), Mr. Makhame Sene (Senegalese), Dr. Mohamed Dawo (Sierra Leonean), Ms. Aïssata Touré (Ivorian), Mr. Achim Pashi Lokombe (Congolese) and Mr. Chris Goshomi (Zimbabwean).

Mr. Abdul Rashid Thomas

Chair (Sierra Leonean)

Mrs. Victoria Ajayi

Vice-Chair (Nigerian)

Mrs. Brouch Boggon

Secretary (Zimbabwean)

Mr. Yankuba Sawo

Treasurer (Gambian)

Mrs. Lucy Ndlovu

Communications (Kenyan)

Mr. Achim Pashi Lokombe


Dr. Mohamed Dawo

(Sierra Leonean)

Ms. Hawa Bah


Mrs. Kaddy Jabang


Mr. Chris Goshomi


Aïssata Touré


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